Found 88 words.
Syllable count: 2, the same as for the searched word |
acres |
Akers |
Baker's |
bakers |
Bakker's |
Bakkers |
breakers |
fakers |
Lakers |
maker's |
makers |
makers' |
Quaker's |
Quakers |
rakers |
shakers |
takers |
Syllable count: 1 |
blurs |
Burres |
ers |
firs |
Fors |
Furr's |
furs |
her's |
hers |
hers |
Herz |
jurs |
Kurz |
Kurz |
Lurz |
Merz |
Perz |
purrs |
Scherz |
Schreurs |
slurs |
Spurs |
stirs |
Wirz |
Wurz |
yours |
Syllable count: 3 |
bookmakers |
caretakers |
carmaker's |
carmakers |
carmakers' |
chipmakers |
codebreakers |
dealmakers |
dressmakers |
drugmakers |
filmmaker's |
filmmakers |
foodmaker's |
foodmakers |
haymakers |
homemakers |
icebreakers |
kingmakers |
lawbreakers |
lawmaker's |
lawmakers |
lawmakers' |
matchmakers |
newsmakers |
notetakers |
oddsmakers |
pacemakers |
Peacemaker's |
peacemakers |
printmakers |
shoemakers |
steelmaker's |
steelmakers |
strikebreakers |
toolmakers |
toymakers |
Syllable count: 4 |
automaker's |
automakers |
automakers' |
marketmakers |
moneymakers |
moviemakers |
troublemakers |
Syllable count: 5 |
policymakers |