Found 121 word.
Syllable count: 1, the same as for the searched word |
Bence |
Bentz |
Brents |
cents |
cents |
dense |
dents |
Entz |
fence |
Frentz |
Gent's |
gents |
Gentz |
hence |
Hense |
Hentz |
Jentz |
Kent's |
Krentz |
Lents |
Lentz |
Lentzsch |
Mentz |
Pence |
Pense |
Pentz |
rents |
Rentz |
scents |
sense |
sentz |
Slentz |
Spence |
Spens |
Stentz |
tense |
tents |
thence |
Trent's |
vents |
Wentz |
whence |
whence |
Zentz |
Syllable count: 2 |
accents |
ciments |
commence |
comments |
condense |
consents |
contents |
contents |
convents |
defence |
defense |
descents |
dispense |
dissents |
event's |
event's |
events |
events |
expense |
Ferenc |
ferments |
frequents |
immense |
incense |
incense |
intense |
intents |
invents |
laments |
Lorenz |
non-sense |
nonsense |
Nunsense |
offense |
percents |
pigments |
portents |
presents |
pretense |
prevents |
prevents |
repents |
resents |
segments |
suspense |
torments |
vestments |
Vincent's |
Wilentz |
Syllable count: 3 |
announcements |
antisense |
antisense |
circumvents |
commonsense |
compliments |
confidence |
discontents |
frankincense |
increments |
malcontents |
non-defense |
non-nonsense |
nondefense |
parliament's |
parliaments |
precedents |
presidents |
presidents |
recompense |
represents |
represents |
self-defence |
self-defense |
self-torments |
supplements |
Syllable count: 4 |
misrepresents |
misrepresents |