Found 39 words.
Syllable count: 1, the same as for the searched word |
bolts |
Boltz |
Colt's |
Colts |
Folts |
Foltz |
Goltz |
Holt's |
Holts |
Holtz |
jolts |
kolts |
Koltz |
Moltz |
Scholtes |
Scholtz |
shoults |
Shoultz |
Soltes |
stoeltze |
Stoltz |
voeltz |
volts |
Voltz |
Woltz |
Syllable count: 2 |
buboltz |
Buchholtz |
Bucholtz |
Bucholtz |
Buckholtz |
Durchholz |
Eicholtz |
revolts |
schoenholtz |
shanholtz |
Umholtz |
waldholtz |
waldholz |
Syllable count: 3 |
weatherholtz |