Found 66 words.
Syllable count: 2, the same as for the searched word |
consoles |
Syllable count: 1 |
Boals |
Boles |
Bolles |
bolls |
Bolz |
Bowles |
bowls |
coal's |
coals |
Cole's |
Coles |
Dole's |
doles |
Foale's |
Folz |
goals |
Goelz |
Golz |
holes |
Holz |
Joles |
Knoles |
Knoll's |
Knowles |
Kohl's |
Kohls |
moles |
Noles |
Nolls |
Oles |
poehl's |
Pohl's |
poles |
poll's |
polls |
pols |
roles |
roll's |
rolls |
Rowles |
Scholes |
Scholz |
Scholze |
Scoles |
scrolls |
Seoul's |
Shoals |
Sholes |
soles |
souls |
sowles |
Sproles |
Stolz |
Stolze |
strolls |
Toles |
Tolles |
tolls |
troll's |
trolls |
Voelz |
voles |
Volz |
wholes |
Wolz |