Found 545 words.
Syllable count: 1, the same as for the searched word |
Baur |
boar |
Boer |
Boers |
Bohr |
bore |
bores |
Borre |
Bors |
chore |
chores |
Clore |
clore's |
Coar |
cohr |
Cohrs |
Cor |
core |
cores |
Corps |
Corps |
Corps' |
Corr |
d'or |
Doar |
Doerr |
Dohr |
door |
door's |
doors |
Dore |
Dorr |
drawer |
drawers |
Faure |
floor |
floors |
Flor |
Flore |
for |
fore |
four |
Four's |
fours |
Glor |
glore |
Goar |
Gore |
Gore's |
Gores |
Gorr |
Hoar |
Hoare |
Hoerr |
Horr |
hors |
hors |
Knorr |
Kohr |
Kohrs |
Laur |
Laure |
Loar |
Loehr |
Lohr |
Lor |
lore |
Mohr |
Moore |
Moore's |
Mor |
Mor's |
more |
Morr |
morze |
Nohr |
nor |
oar |
oars |
Ohr |
or |
Ore |
ores |
Orr |
Poors |
por |
pore |
pores |
porr |
pour |
pours |
roar |
roars |
Roehr |
Roehrs |
Rohr |
Rohrs |
Saur |
Schnorr |
Schor |
Schorr |
Schorr's |
score |
scores |
Shor |
shore |
Shore's |
shores |
Shorr |
snore |
soar |
soars |
Sor |
sore |
sores |
Spaur |
spore |
spores |
Stoehr |
Stohr |
store |
store's |
stores |
stores' |
Storr |
Storrs |
Storz |
swore |
Thor |
Tor |
tore |
Torr |
Torre |
tours |
Vore |
war |
war's |
Warr |
Wars |
Wars' |
whore |
whores |
Woehr |
wore |
yore |
your |
yours |
zorz |
Syllable count: 2 |
aancor |
abhor |
abhors |
Abor |
Accor |
Ador |
adore |
adores |
Amcor |
Amcore |
Amore |
Ardmore |
Ashmore |
ashore |
Astore |
atcor |
Ator |
Azores |
backdoor |
backdoors |
balcor |
Balfour |
bancor |
Bangor |
Barmore |
basehore |
Bator |
Bazemore |
Beardmore |
becor |
becor's |
Bednorz |
Bedore |
before |
before |
Bellcore |
bellcore's |
Bellmore |
Belmore |
bercor |
Bickmore |
Biltmore |
Blackmore |
Blakemore |
Bogor |
Bollore |
bookstore |
bookstores |
bruncor |
c4 |
Caldor |
Cantore |
Cashmore |
cat-4 |
cencor |
Centaur |
centaur's |
centaurs |
Claymore |
Cranmore |
Creekmore |
Cudmore |
Damore |
Debor |
decor |
decor |
Defore |
delcor |
Delmore |
Delore |
delore's |
Delors |
demore |
Densmore |
Densmore |
deplore |
deplores |
Devor |
Dillmore |
Dilmore |
Dinsmore |
Dior |
Dismore |
ditmore |
downpour |
downpours |
drugstore |
drugstores |
Duffour |
Dunsmore |
elcor |
Elmore |
elnore |
encor |
encor's |
encore |
encores |
explore |
explores |
eyesore |
Fillmore |
Filmore |
Flexnor |
folklore |
Fulmore |
furor |
Gabor |
galore |
Gartmore |
Gencor |
Gencorp |
gilgore |
Gillmore |
Gilmore |
Glenmore |
goldcor |
grismore |
hardcore |
Haymore |
healthcorp |
hycor |
Ifor |
ignore |
ignores |
Igor |
Igor |
implore |
implores |
indoor |
indoors |
inshore |
Jacor |
Jambor |
Kantor's |
Kenmore |
Kennemore |
Kilgore |
Killgore |
Kishore |
L'amour |
Labore |
Lahore |
Lairmore |
Lakeshore |
Lalor |
lamaur |
Lamore |
Larmore |
Lazor |
Legore |
Lenore |
Libor |
livor |
longcor |
Longmore |
Longshore |
m4 |
marcor |
Mazor |
Melor |
Melor |
mentor |
mentor's |
mentors |
messmore |
Mordor |
Muchmore |
nellcor |
Nemours |
Neurohr |
newcor |
Ngor |
nicor |
non-core |
noncore |
normcore |
Nucor |
Nucor's |
nycor |
offshore |
Oncor |
onshore |
outdoor |
outdoors |
outpour |
outpours |
outscore |
outscores |
Palmore |
pamour |
Passmore |
Pastore |
Patmore |
phosphor |
phosphors |
postwar |
Predmore |
prewar |
pricor |
Pridemore |
Pridmore |
Prigmore |
rapport |
restore |
restores |
Rockmore |
Roquemore |
Rossmore |
Rumore |
Rushmore |
samcor |
Scrimgeour |
seashore |
sedor |
Senor |
Seymore |
Seymour |
Seymour's |
Signor |
Sisemore |
Sizemore |
Skidmore |
sophomore |
sophomores |
Spoonemore |
Stanmore |
Suncor |
Swarthmore |
syncor |
Talmor |
tempore |
tenore |
therefore |
ticor |
Tidmore |
Timor |
Timor's |
toystore |
toystores |
Tracor |
Tracor |
Treloar |
uproar |
Vencor |
Vidor |
Wetmore |
Whitmore |
Whitmore |
Whittemore |
Whittemore |
wicor |
Wigmore |
Willmore |
Wilmore |
Wymore |
xicor |
Zocor |
Syllable count: 3 |
albacore |
Amador |
amplocore |
antiwar |
antiwar |
anymore |
armentor |
Baikonur |
balthazor |
Baltimore |
Baltimore's |
bangalor |
Bangalore |
Bangalore's |
Barrymore |
Barrymore |
basehore |
bensenyore |
Buttermore |
carnivore |
carnivores |
Centocor |
centocor's |
Collamore |
Commodore |
Commodore's |
Cullimore |
Detamore |
dinosaur |
dinosaurs |
dittemore |
Dumbledore |
Ecuador |
Ecuador's |
Eleanor |
Eleanor's |
Eleanore |
ellenpore |
Elsinore |
equicor |
evermore |
Fenimore |
Fennimore |
fidelcor |
Finamore |
fumidor |
fumidors |
Furthermore |
Gallamore |
gallemore |
Gallimore |
Genencor |
guarantor |
guarantors |
herbivore |
herbivore |
heretofore |
humidor |
Isadore |
Isidore |
Jewelcor |
kisamore |
Labrador |
Laramore |
Larimore |
Larrimore |
Latimore |
Lattimore |
Leonore |
Livermore |
Lowrimore |
Matador |
Megastore |
Megastores |
melador |
Meridor |
Meritor |
Messamore |
metaphor |
metaphors |
Mevacor |
Millipore |
Montefiore |
Mortimore |
Mullendore |
Naramore |
Narramore |
Nevermore |
novacor |
Oradour |
Parador |
Paramore |
Parramore |
pedicure |
pedicures |
Peshawar |
pompadour |
Quebecor |
saboteurs |
Salvador |
Salvador's |
Salvatore |
Singapore |
Singapore's |
Sobibor |
Sobibor |
sofamor |
Spadafore |
Spatafore |
stevedore |
Superstore |
superstores |
Sycamore |
tambocor |
Theodore |
troubadour |
Trovatore |
twenty-four |
underscore |
underscores |
Unprofor's |
Vulgamore |
Syllable count: 4 |
acetochlor |
Americorp |
Americorps |
cavalli-sfor |
Corregidor |
El-salvador |
Espectador |
Montemayor |
san-salvador |
Sotomayor |
underinsure |
utilicorp |
Villasenor |