Found 57 words.
Syllable count: 1, the same as for the searched word |
bloats |
boat's |
boats |
Coat's |
coats |
Cotes |
floats |
gloats |
goat's |
goats |
moats |
Motes |
note's |
notes |
notes' |
Oates |
oats |
Ploetz |
quotes |
throats |
totes |
vote's |
votes |
Syllable count: 2 |
airboats |
banknotes |
Booknotes |
Capote's |
connotes |
Coyotes |
denotes |
devotes |
Footnotes |
gunboats |
houseboats |
keynotes |
lifeboats |
misquotes |
outvotes |
promotes |
raincoat's |
raincoats |
Redcoats |
sailboats |
scapegoats |
Showboat's |
speedboats |
steamboats |
tugboats |
Syllable count: 3 |
anecdotes |
asymptotes |
euronotes |
ferryboats |
overcoats |
petticoats |
riverboat's |
riverboats |
squillacote's |