Found 103 words.
Syllable count: 2, the same as for the searched word |
Ayers |
Bryars |
buyer's |
buyers |
buyers' |
Byars |
Byers |
Byers' |
dryers |
fire's |
fires |
fliers |
Flyers |
Friars |
fryers |
grier's |
hires |
Hyers |
i'ers |
liars |
Meier's |
Meyer's |
Meyers |
Miers |
Myers |
pliers |
priors |
Pryor's |
pyres |
retires |
retires |
Smyers |
Spiers |
Squiers |
Squires |
Stiers |
Styers |
Swyers |
Syers |
tires |
tires |
tyres |
tyres |
Viars |
wires |
Wyers |
Syllable count: 1 |
Bires |
Bires |
blurs |
Burres |
choirs |
choirs |
ers |
fires |
fires |
firs |
Fors |
Furr's |
furs |
her's |
hers |
hers |
Herz |
hires |
hires |
jurs |
Kurz |
Lurz |
Merz |
Mires |
Mires |
Myres |
Myres |
Nyers |
Nyers |
Perz |
Pires |
Pires |
purrs |
Scherz |
Schreurs |
shires |
shires |
sires |
sires |
slurs |
spires |
spires |
Spurs |
Squyres |
Squyres |
Stires |
Stires |
stirs |
vires |
vires |
wires |
wires |
Wirz |
Wurz |
yours |
Syllable count: 3 |
retires |