Found 348 words.
Syllable count: 1, the same as for the searched word |
acts |
ax |
axe |
Backes |
backs |
Bax |
Black's |
blacks |
Blacks' |
bloc's |
Bloch's |
Block's |
blocks |
blocs |
box |
Boxx |
Brock's |
Brox |
Cac's |
Caq's |
clock's |
clocks |
Cocks |
Cox |
Coxe |
cracks |
dacs |
dax' |
Dock's |
docks |
Docs |
facts |
fax |
flax |
flocks |
Fox |
Foxx |
frocks |
hacks |
Haq's |
Jack's |
jacks |
Jacques' |
Jacques' |
Jaques |
jocks |
knacks |
knocks |
Knox |
Kroc's |
Lac's |
lacks |
lax |
locks |
Mac's |
Mack's |
Macks |
Macs |
Max |
Maxx |
mocks |
Ochs |
ox |
Pac's |
packs |
Pacs |
pacts |
Pak's |
Pax |
plack's |
plaques |
Plax |
Pocks |
pox |
quacks |
racks |
rax |
Rock's |
rocks |
Rox |
Sachs |
Sachs |
Sachs' |
sacks |
sacs |
Saks |
sax |
Saxe |
shacks |
shocks |
slacks |
smacks |
snacks |
socks |
Sox |
stac's |
stacks |
stock's |
stocks |
stocks' |
tacks |
tax |
track's |
tracks |
Trax |
Vocs |
Vox |
Wacks |
wax |
whacks |
whacks |
woks |
x. |
Yax |
Zack's |
Zacks |
Syllable count: 2 |
Adcox |
Aipac's |
Ajax |
Amax |
Amtrak's |
anthrax |
arnox |
attacks |
backpacks |
backtracks |
ballcocks |
Bangkok's |
benlox |
blendax |
boombox |
Boondocks |
Borax |
breadbox |
Broadnax |
Brodnax |
bushwhacks |
buybacks |
carjacks |
Chirac's |
climax |
Clorox |
comebacks |
Compaq's |
contacts |
Cossacks |
crosswalks |
cutbacks |
davox |
deadlocks |
delphax |
detox |
drawbacks |
earwax |
earwax |
eastpac's |
Fairfax |
feedstocks |
feltrax |
fischbach's |
flapjacks |
flashbacks |
flintlocks |
fullbacks |
Galax |
gearbox |
givebacks |
gopac's |
greenback's |
greenbacks |
gridlock's |
gridlocks |
gutwaks |
halfbacks |
Hancock's |
Hancox |
haystacks |
Heacox |
Hecox |
hickcox |
Hickox |
Hiscox |
Hitchcock's |
horvac's |
icebox |
imax' |
Iraq's |
Iraq's |
Iraq's |
Isaacks |
jacox |
Jaycox |
jukebox |
kayaks |
Kazakhs |
kickbacks |
knick-knacks |
knickknacks |
Kodak's |
kovach's |
Kovacs |
kovaks |
leasebacks |
lilacs |
Lomax |
Maalox |
macaques |
mailbox |
Matchbox |
matchlocks |
Mattox |
midpac's |
Murdoch's |
Murdock's |
Murdocks |
Nasdaq's |
Novak's |
opax |
outfox |
padlocks |
paybacks |
peacocks |
Pentax |
pretax |
pullbacks |
qmax |
racetracks |
Reebok's |
Reeboks |
relax |
relax |
roadblocks |
rollbacks |
rothwax |
saltbox |
sandbox |
setbacks |
Shamrock's |
Sherlock's |
shoebox |
Silcox |
Simcox |
skipjack's |
skipjacks |
Skybox |
Slovaks |
smallpox |
smokestacks |
soapbox |
soundtracks |
soundtracks |
spacewalks |
St Jacques |
St Jacques |
surtax |
syntax |
Tampax |
Tarbox |
tarmacs |
thorax |
Truax |
ty-sachs |
Volvox |
Votrax |
Westpac's |
Wilcox |
Willcox |
wisecracks |
Woodcox |
Xanax |
Xerox |
Syllable count: 3 |
Affymax |
aftershocks |
aftertax |
Alumax |
antitax |
antitax |
Betamax |
bodziak's |
Bowersox |
Cadillac's |
Cadillacs |
Cinemax |
colorocs |
Equifax |
Equinox |
Filofax |
Filofax |
florafax |
Fosamax |
gunnysacks |
Halifax |
hollyhocks |
Interfax |
Leatherbacks |
Librivox |
macintax |
Magnavox |
maniacs |
Microvax |
Miramax |
Mulanax |
Mullenax |
Mullinax |
neoax |
Officemax |
Orthodox |
overtax |
Palafox |
paperbacks |
paradox |
parallax |
Paramax |
Pasternak's |
Pontiac's |
Pontiac's |
Pontiacs |
Pontiacs |
pricklebacks |
prothorax |
quarterbacks |
Razorback's |
Razorbacks |
tinderbox |
Turbotax |
vegisnax |
Weatherwax |
winamac's |
wolenzac's |
Zovirax |
Syllable count: 4 |
Audiovox |
counterattacks |
counterattacks |
Czechoslovaks |
heterodox |
mesothorax |
metathorax |
pedophiliacs |
unorthodox |
Syllable count: 5 |
hemophiliacs |
nymphomaniacs |