Found 40 words.
Syllable count: 1, the same as for the searched word |
chipped |
clipped |
crypt |
dipped |
dripped |
flipped |
gripped |
gypped |
lipped |
nipped |
quipped |
ripped |
script |
shipped |
sipped |
skipped |
slipped |
stripped |
tipped |
tripped |
whipped |
whipped |
zipped |
Syllable count: 2 |
conscript |
conscript |
Egypt |
encrypt |
encrypt |
equipped |
outstripped |
Postscript |
Postscript |
transcript |
unzipped |
worshiped |
Syllable count: 3 |
Javascript |
manuscript |
non-descript |
nondescript |
telescript |