Found 83 words.
Syllable count: 2, the same as for the searched word |
gentian |
henschen |
mention |
pension |
tension |
Syllable count: 1 |
an |
been |
Bruhn |
Brun |
Brunn |
bun |
Bunn |
Byun |
can |
Chun |
Chunn |
done |
Donne |
Dun |
Dunn |
Dunne |
fun |
Grun |
gun |
Gunn |
Huhn |
Hun |
Hunn |
Hyun |
Jun |
Kuhne |
Kun |
Luhn |
Lun |
Lunn |
Mun |
Munn |
none |
Nuhn |
nun |
Nunn |
one |
one |
pun |
run |
shun |
son |
spun |
stun |
Sun |
than |
Thrun |
Thun |
ton |
tonne |
UN |
won |
Youn |
Yun |
Syllable count: 3 |
ascension |
attention |
contention |
convention |
detention |
dimension |
dissension |
extension |
invention |
Laurentian |
pretension |
prevention |
retention |
suspension |
Syllable count: 4 |
apprehension |
comprehension |
condescension |
hypertension |
hypotension |
intervention |
reinvention |
Syllable count: 5 |
misapprehension |
non-intervention |
nonintervention |